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Red Border Collie

Nala is often described as a true “Disney” dog ! She is highly trained red and white Border Collie with a huge repertoire of behaviours which she is comfortable performing in any setting, independent of her handler and on verbal or visual cue as required.


She is confident in front of the camera and around people, equipment and other animals, and will work tirelessly to achieve the perfect shot. She has a quirky expression which is full of character and can captivate an audience in both still photo and on film. 


Her skills include, sit, down, stand, beg, bow, stand on hind legs, walk on hind legs, hide face (1 paw or 2) lift front or rear paw, cross paws, place feet on object, wrap paw around object, jump over object, jump onto object, circle around object, hold object in mouth (and perform behaviours at the same time), place item object into another object, touch object with her nose, walk to heel on or off lead, walk backwards, creep, roll, flat (on side) chin down,  go to target, go to a person and stay with them, bark.


Nala competes at the Top Level in Heelwork To Music and has represented Team GB.

Credits Include:

2018 Feature Film - The Unfamiliar


2018 TV Commercial - The Mortgage Bureau


2018 Music Video - John Grant – Love is Magic


2017 TV Commercial - Npower Super Powers


Numerous Photo Shoots


Nala’s Showreel - Click Here

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